
College update - 01.11.20

1 November 2020

Dear parent / carer / student

I hope you managed to find some time for rest and relaxation during half term last week. 

I’m sure you heard the Prime Minister yesterday announce a second lockdown period beginning at midnight on Thursday 5th November until midnight on Wednesday 2nd December. The latest guidance on this lockdown can be found at 

The guidance is different from the lockdown earlier this year. The main difference concerns early years settings, schools, colleges and universities which will remain open.  

We will look at the guidance early this week and will communicate any changes to our working practices and/or advice for students by the end of Thursday 5th November.  As ever, the health and safety of all in our college community is central to our thinking and decision making.  

There are no changes to our working practices or the advice given to students at this time. We will continue to work as we have since September until further notice. Tomorrow is the beginning of Week A; all Week A students should attend their lessons as usual, with Week B students joining them from home.  Face coverings should be worn in corridors and in public spaces, and all should try to stay 2 metres apart from others. Hand sanitiser should be used on entry to and when leaving the classroom. Workspaces (desks and IT workstations) should be wiped clean prior to and after use. 

There is a lot to take in at the moment and I know there will be many questions, queries and concerns. Please direct any questions to your son or daughter's Senior Tutor / your Senior Tutor in the first instance who will try to help. As this is a fast-moving situation, it may not be possible to answer your questions immediately; we will do our best to get back to you once decisions have been made or further advice has been released.  

I’m confident that our college community will make this work but recognise that the next few months are not going to be easy. We will have to work together to support and help each other through this difficult time.  

Take care, look after yourself, your families and each other; be patient and stay positive. 


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