
Runner-up in the Pembroke North Essay Prize 2020

29 October 2020

Congratulations to Molly Heywood who has been awarded 'runner-up' for the Pembroke North Essay Prize 2020.

Molly, from Fairfield High School for Girls, studies English Literature, Geography and Psychology at 茄子影院. She is also part of the XL programme for high achievers.

The Pembroke North Essay Prize takes place annually and brings together students from across the North West to compete. Students choose to answer an essay title from a number of options. These are then judged and each entrant receives feedback. 

The Essay Prize encourages A Level students to develop their knowledge and understanding of a particular topics. It also give students the chance to work to degree-level standard, better preparing them for university-life after college. 


"Essay titles included questions such as ‘Should scientific research for the sake of research be carried out, even if it has no direct benefit to humanity?’ and ‘Are governments justified in infringing some fundamental rights to respond to crises such as Covid-19?’"

They also stated, 

"Entries were typically extremely strong across the board, with a very high overall standard of writing for our markers to choose from."

Molly entered the Social Science category and all entrants attended a celebration evening in mid-October. 

茄子影院 is The Goldsmiths’ Sutherland Centre for Philosophy and World Religions, in partnership with Pembroke College. Find out more about the programme and the opportunities available for students here.

Tags: pembroke north competition Pembroke College oxnet

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