
Image of Art department host Holocaust workshop
19 April 2023

Art department host Holocaust workshop

Image of Art students join the SFCA Art Exhibition 2021
30 June 2021

Art students join the SFCA Art Exhibition 2021

Image of ASFC Art and Design Exhibition 2021
22 June 2021

ASFC Art and Design Exhibition 2021

Image of Art & Design Exhibition 2020
29 June 2020

Art & Design Exhibition 2020

Image of Grand opening of the new Art and Design building
1 July 2019

Grand opening of the new Art and Design building

Image of Art Exhibition 2017
1 August 2017

Art Exhibition 2017

Ofsted OutstandingStamford Park TrustSFCATES FE Awards 2019AoCDisability ConfidentTime to changeStonewall School ChampionGMCA EUCyber EssentialsTOG Mind Mental Health Ambassador