
Former student delivers dance workshop!

28 May 2022

Former student, Olivia Peers returned to ASFC recently to deliver a workshop to our Dance students.

Olivia is founder of 'Born and Bred' Dance Theatre - based in Oldham and Tameside. The theatre was established in 2009 and is inspired by the heritage and communities of the local area. 

The dance workshop that Olivia delivered was part of the Stute Theatre's production of 'I Am No Bird'.

'I Am No Bird' is a modern adaptation on the infamous Brontë Sisters and their story. 

The dance workshop focused on choreography inspired by all 3 Brontë sisters and was really creative for the students.

Follow along with the Theatre's work on - @bornandbreddt and @stutetheatre for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Thank you to Olivia for returning back to 茄子影院 and working with our students!

Find out more about studying Dance and related courses at 茄子影院 HERE.

Tags: Performing Arts dance alumni community dance related

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