
Vigil held for Ukraine!

23 March 2022

Last week, the college held a vigil for Ukraine in the courtyard. The vigil and a fundraiser was organised for the college by the student council.

There was a large turn out, and a minutes silence was served for all those suffering in Ukraine at the moment. Before the minutes silence, our College Chaplain, Jean Hurlston, spoke about other current and past conflicts worldwide.

One of our Business teachers here, Yaraslow, is Ukrainian and chairs the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain, which is where all the money raised through the vigil will be donated to! All donations will go towards supplying the people of Ukraine with the items they need. The fundraising is ongoing and the buckets are dotted around college in hopes to collect as much as possible.

This vigil and fundraiser are one of the many events the student council hold throughout the year at college for a variety of events.


Tags: community chaplaincy

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