Enrichment Day 2021

8 October 2021

Enrichment day is a tradition at ÇÑ×ÓÓ°Ôº. It's an amazing opportunity for students to meet new people and try out new things. 

Over 500 students travelled to Alton Towers in Staffordshire for a day of fun! 

Those students who chose to stay on campus could try out a range of enrichment activities in college. This year, these included:

  • The Humanities Film Festival 
  • Creative Writing
  • Spanish for Beginners
  • Park Run
  • Basic cooking skills for university 
  • Band Jam
  • Collaborative painting
  • Introduction to Photoshop
  • PS3 Retro Games
  • Ukranian for Beginners
  • My favourite feminists
  • Legal debating
  • Screenprinting
  • Football
  • First Aid Training
  • and more!

Enrichment for students takes place throughout the year. Students can sign up to join a range of clubs and societies. For some enrichment is a chance to relax and chill, for others it's an opportunity to gain an extra qualification or enhance their CV and university applications.

Tags: enrichment community

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