
Politics students represent 茄子影院 at MUNHIGH21

11 March 2021

Politics students from 茄子影院 attended an annual conference known as MUNHIGH 2021.

The event is organised by Manchester High School for Girls and it is the second year running that students from 茄子影院 have attended. This year's event took place remotely via Zoom and 茄子影院 were the only state institution to attend. 

The event is a model United Nations Conference and gives students the opportunity to experience a simulation of the real United Nations. Students have the opportunity to discuss and debate real global issues, sharing their opinions and voicing their perspective. It also allows them to see an argument from both sides, understanding the importance of negotiation and discussion. 

Students joined as delegates and were assigned a Committee, covering a range of agendas from Security to Human Rights to the Environment and Science to Youth. Throughout the day, students joined various sessions, hearing the thoughts and viewpoints of others to gain an understanding of how the United Nations works on a complex level. 

It was a fantastic event, and a particularly amazing moment for students to have been able to attend remotely in spite of current social distancing restrictions. 

The event took place on a Saturday via Zoom and 9 Politics students from 茄子影院 took part.

A particular congratulations goes to Sacha who won the commended delegate for EnviroSci Award.

Find out more about studying Politics at 茄子影院 here.

Tags: careers enrichment politics humanities community

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