
Higher and Adult Education update - 11.11.20

11 November 2020

Dear Higher and Adult Education Student,

You should by now have been notified by your teachers about any changes to your programme of study over the coming weeks or you will be notified this week. In order to respond to the latest guidance from DfE and Public Health England, we have made further changes to teaching and learning to continue to make your experience with us as safe as we can.

You may well already be on a course where we have limited the numbers to ensure safe spacing in classrooms or where some teaching is remote.  The following offers an overview of the changes. Please ensure you speak with your teacher to find out what is applicable to you and when it begins. These changes are being put in place until January.

I would like to thank you for your patience as staff begin using technology in new ways or make other alterations in response to the current situation. I am aware there have been some challenges and I am aware that for some, the current mode of learning is not ideal. I am also aware that for some, the introduction of some remote teaching has been incredibly useful and welcomed. Please be assured we are determined as a team to work with you and provide the best experience we possibly can within the confines of current guidance. Below is a summary of changes.

Please get in touch with our Adult and HE Student Services team if you have any concerns or require further information on 0161 6668215 or email AdultEd@asfc.ac.uk. 

Take care, look after yourself, your families and each other; be patient and stay positive. 

Jo Fletcher-Saxon 
Assistant Principal

Foundation Degree Education year 1 with Shirley Cannon - carry on with half class in each week with other half joining from home - A / B week pattern.

Foundation Degree Education year 2 with Vickie Johnson - carry on attending each week on Wednesdays.

Foundation degree Early Childhood year 2 with Shirley Cannon - carry on attending each week on Thursdays.

PGCE/Cert Ed with various staff, carry on with classes onsite in alternating weeks. Remote learning, being taught online in the alternate week, Tuesdays.

BA Education Studies (various staff) carry on with full group alternating week onsite, week remote from home A / B week pattern. Mondays and Tuesdays.

BA Education top up with Sharron Galley and Angela McGibbon (2 groups) Friday mornings to be fully remote learning from home, online teaching from now till January.

GCSE Maths with Mike Fawcet - Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Both groups continue weekly attendance however Mike will now run an IT session you to introduce you to college accounts to log on and see Microsoft Teams so you are ready should remote learning become necessary. 

GCSE English with Steve O’Neil will move to online teaching each week, fully remote after an onsite lesson w/o 9 Nov. This will all be reviewed in January.

GCSE Biology with Gemma Chadwick will move to online teaching each week, fully remote after an onsite lesson w/o 9 Nov. You will only come on site if requested to do so for a practical. This will all be reviewed in January.

Functional Maths with Doug Hoy remain weekly attendance Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

Functional English and ESOL evening classes (Angela McGibbon and Charlotte Rhodes) remain weekly attendance Wednesday and Thursday evening.

Functional English Thursday AM class with Charlotte Rhodes to be alternate week attendance, remote learning being taught from home in alternating week.  
Access to HE - carry on with half class in each week with other half joining form home - A / B week pattern. 3 days a week.

Vocational EY/TA with Carol Darwin - stay as is. Alternate weekly onsite. Carol also visiting where approved to do so off site.

Tags: HE adult and higher education adult education

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