
Student Council 2020-2021

17 September 2020

The academic year has officially begun and the latest Student Council representatives have held their first council meeting of the year.

Towards the end of the last academic year, students held the college's first online vote to determine the elected Student Council for 2020-2021. Students from all courses had the opportunity to vote for their Council President and Vice President. Candidates put forward their nomination and explained their plans for the college via video. Students then voted depending on who they felt would make the most impact.

The results of the vote put Jacob Hirst as the Student Council President and Aseel Jarad as Vice Council President

Over the next year the Student Council will have many opportunities to make real change across college. A representative from the Council also has the chance to attend SLT and/or Governance to strengthen the voice of the students at senior levels. 

On the first day of term, the Student Council held their first council meeting of the year, allowing the Council chance to get to know each other and layout their plans for the next year. 

Tags: student council

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