
Results Day information & guidance - Summer 2020

30 July 2020
Dear Student,
I hope everyone is keeping well and staying safe.
Firstly please accept our apologies for the delay in sending information to you regarding A level, Level 3 vocational courses and GCSE results day(s). Due to the pandemic and cancellation of exams, there has been lots of changes to the process as we know it.  We wanted to wait until all aspects of results day were clear so the college could guide you through this very unusual process.  Unfortunately at the point of writing this, some small aspects of results day remain unclear and unconfirmed by Ofqual.  As soon as we have further information and guidance we will update you. 
Results day will look very different this year.  Due to the pandemic, we need to control and minimise wherever possible, the number of students coming onto campus.  We have taken the decision to provide the vast majority of our services either via email, or via online appointments, although a small number of in-person support appointments are available on the day.  Both careers are exams appointments are available. More information is below.
Results Dates confirmed
Date Qualifications receiving results
(second year students)
Qualifications receiving results 
(first year students)
Qualifications receiving results (adult students)
Thursday 13 August
A levels (all subjects)
BTEC Subsidiary Diploma (all subjects)
BTEC  Extended Diploma (all subjects)
Criminology (Lv 3 diploma)
*Childcare (technical diploma)
Foundation Art & Design
*H&S Care (Technical Certificate - CACHE)
Core Maths
Criminology (Lv 3 certificate)
Thursday 20 August
GCSE English
GCSE Maths
GCSE English
GCSE Maths
BTEC Media (L2 Certificate)
BTEC Public Services (L2 Diploma)
OCR Business (L2 Diploma)
*NcFE Early Years (L2 Diploma)
GCSE Biology

*Results will be delayed.  Students will receive results by 11:00am

First year students studying A levels and BTECs will not receive results until August 2021.
How will I receive my results?
Result slips will be sent electronically to your college email account. Please make sure you can access your college email account before results day.  If you need to re-set your password email techsupport@asfc.ac.uk, confirming your name DOB and make sure the subject title reads "Password re-set required".
Students should NOT come into college to collect results in person, paper results are not available.
How was my result calculated?
鈥婥AG (centre assessed grades) and rank orders were submitted by college to the exam board.  In order to reach the fairest possible CAG grade for each student, the college undertook through a very rigorous process analysing various statistical information, including formal assessments, mock exam results, class work and other pieces of evidence.  This information was moderated by heads of departments and the senior leadership team before being submitted to the exam board.  CAG grades and rank orders were then subject to rigorous standardisation process using a statistical model developed by Ofqal, before a final grade is awarded. More information on this process can be found in the Ofqual document .  
CAG/Rank Order Information
We understand students are curious and may want to know the CAG or rank order the college submitted to the exam board. Requests for this information should be submitted electronically, after you receive your results, to exams@asfc.ac.uk with a subject title "CAG/Rank order request".  The college will respond to your request as quickly as possible but within 3 working days.
What support is available?
Careers and exams support is available Thursday 13 August - Tuesday 18 August inclusive. Throughout this period the college will be operating a strict appointment only system to discuss all your careers or exam related queries.
On results day, Thursday 13 August, staff will be available in person. You should only use appointments on Thursday 13 August for emergencies i.e., clearing/university discussions or urgent appeals to exams. Students can book appointments via the link below. Appointments made Friday 14 - Tuesday 18 August will be conducted via Microsoft teams online.  

For help on how to book an appointment click here.

Appointments on Thursday 13 August will take place in the college meeting rooms near reception. Due to COVID-19 a stricter protocol is in place. An appointment only, one-way system will operate from 8:00-15:00.  We politely request only the student requiring support attend.  All other parties should wait in the car park.  

Students should sanitise their hands prior to entry and immediately upon exit using the hand sanitiser station.  All other areas of college are closed and staff are not available. Students should not come to college other than for these urgent appointments. 

What if I am unhappy with my results?
Firstly you need to understand the process taken by the college and exam boards to award grades during the pandemic. This is explained in the document . It will help you gain a better understanding of the whole process.
You can only appeal if you believe a error has been made during the awarding process, you cannot appeal because you dislike the grade awarded.  Appeals deadline is 17 September (although this must also allow time for the college to submit the appeal on your behalf.  We would strongly encourage all appeals to be with college by 15 September). You should book an appointment using the system mentioned above, or email exams@asfc.ac.uk.
Can I re-sit my exams?
If you do not feel the grade awarded shows your full capability you can apply to re-sit your exams.  A level exams are scheduled to take place 5 October - 23 October and GCSE exams 2 November - 23 November.  You can view the autumn timetable on the exam pages of the college website HERE.  At the time of writing this , we are awaiting further clarification regarding exam fees and payment.  It is highly likely students will need to fund some/all of this entry fee.  We have made you aware of the potential cost of re-sitting each examination in case the cost of this re-sit falls to you. 
The deadline for re-sit requests is very tight:
Tuesday 1 September for AS/A level re-sits, 
Tuesday 15 September for GCSE Biology re-sits
Tuesday 29 September for GCSE English/Maths re-sits. 
You can make a re-sit application .
Unfortunately late applications cannot be accepted.  We strongly encourage you to discuss re-sits with the exams team prior to submitting an application.  You can do this via email at exams@asfc.ac.uk, or alternatively please book an appointment using the system mentioned above.
We understand how uncertain and nervous you must be and will do everything we can to support you over the next few weeks.  If you have any queries following this, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Kind regards and stay safe.
Lauren McLachlan
Exams Manager

Tags: exams results day

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