
Coronavirus response update - 03.07.20

3 July 2020

Coronavirus response update 3rd July 2020

I hope this finds you and your family safe and well.

Just one update today. We have arrived at the final day of term for our students. Could I thank both your children and you for all the support you have shown us over the past year, but in particular the last 104 days post lockdown. It hasn’t always been easy, but together we have clearly demonstrated what we can do when we put our minds to it.

The next chapter in this story is yet to be written; college will feel different in September, but we are hoping and planning for it to feel a little more like business as usual with raised awareness of all of our health and safety. At the time of writing, we are finalising our plans for the next academic year in terms of the site and our approach to teaching and learning.  Once completed, we will inform you as parents, and your children of our plans for September and the rest of the year. We must be aware that our plans may change as events unfold, but rest assured, we have those plans ready should they be required.

This will be my last daily update for the academic year. I will write again to you and your sons and daughters to share our plans later in the term.

On behalf of all connected to the college community, could I thank you again for your support, your patience and your good will. Stay safe and enjoy the summer.

Take care, look after yourself, your families and each other; be patient and stay positive.


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