
Coronavirus response update - 21.04.20

21 April 2020

Coronavirus response update 21st April 2020

Just a few updates today.

As I mentioned yesterday, there are some amazing examples of people going above and beyond to support others during the pandemic. One of those amazing people is called Grace Slann who is a current A2 student. Grace has applied to study Paramedic Science at university next year and has been a fantastic student. Alongside her college work, Grace has been working at Tameside Hospital as a porter, working 8-12 hour night shifts to support the front line medical staff do their jobs. Her commitment to both her studies and her new role is outstanding and she is a credit to her family, her teachers and our college community. She, and others like her, deserve our commendation and thanks.

A small number of A1 and Level 2 students have not been engaging in the way we would want them to. Your support in keeping your sons and daughters on track would be appreciated. Senior Tutors will continue to chase these students to keep them in track. For those students not engaging, we will take their attitude to learning during lockdown into effect when making decisions on A1 to A2 and Level 2 to Level 3 progression.  Of course, we understand that there will be a number of students with extenuating circumstances and we will take these into account. Please encourage your son or daughter to contact their Senior Tutor to inform them if they have found working from home difficult.

All A1 students have received an email today from Damian Windle about the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). This is an exciting opportunity to gain another qualification which is the equivalent of an AS level. Many universities strongly advise students to take this qualification as it helps develop the skills necessary for success at degree level. If your son or daughter is interested, please watch the video on Canvas at  and follow the instructions provided.

That’s it for today.

Take care, look after yourself, your families and each other; be patient and stay positive.



Ofsted OutstandingStamford Park TrustSFCATES FE Awards 2019AoCDisability ConfidentTime to changeStonewall School ChampionGMCA EUCyber EssentialsTOG Mind Mental Health Ambassador