
Latest Information regarding Coronavirus - 13.03.20

13 March 2020

The College continues to follow the advice of Public Health England with regards to our responses to the Coronavirus outbreak. We appreciate that this can be a worrying time for many, with news and information changing on a daily basis. At this point in time, College remains open and operating as usual and will continue to do so unless we are advised differently.

The Government has announced that all overseas trips for children under 18 organised by education settings should be cancelled. As a result, we will be cancelling any overseas trip from the college for the rest of the academic year. The college has also made the decision to cancel ALL trips and visits until we receive advice from Public Health England, the Department for Education or the Department of Health which reverses the advice received yesterday. Students will receive a full refund for any trip or visit they have paid for. Students are advised to speak to the trip organiser for more information regarding refunds. 
Please be aware that the College has received NO CONFIRMED CASES OF CORONAVIRUS.

Any student who does become concerned that they may have been exposed to the Coronavirus is advised to contact NHS 111 or to use the and to follow the advice given. In the event that you are advised to self isolate due to risk of Coronavirus, please inform College of this information as soon as possible. 
The best way of preventing the spread of this virus is to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds using soap and water or to use an alcohol rub. Please follow the official advice circulated by the on the right technique for hand washing. 
Our students are our priority. As we enter an important part of the year, it is vital that you continue to come to college, attend your classes and complete your work and please be assured we are taking every measure to keep you safe and keep you learning.

More advice and information from Public Health England can be found

At this point in time, the College is cancelling all non-teaching evening events until further notice. Cancelled events currently include Interviews for prospective students (25/03/20 and 21/04/20) and Higher Education Information and Enrolment events (21/04/20 and 23/06/20). 

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