
Plexus Law visited Careers during Apprenticeship Week

5 February 2020

Plexus Law visited 茄子影院 during National Apprenticeship Week.

The company are a commercial law firm with over 1,000 employees in six offices across the country. 

Apprenticeships form a large part of the company and they visited 茄子影院's Careers department to speak to students about the opportunities they currently have on offer. 

According to the company website, Plexus "have successfully recruited over 137 Apprentices" and "117 of those Apprentices" remain with the company today (). 

Students who have a passion for the legal profession were able to gain a better understanding of how a legal apprenticeship works and the benefits of studying in the sector, in comparison to alternative routes.

Find out more about support available to students here.

Tags: careers law apprenticeship employability

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