
Geography students tour 茄子影院 Old Baths

9 January 2020

Geography students have been out across 茄子影院-under-Lyne today learning about the area's social history. 

A-Level students paid a visit to 茄子影院 Old Baths where they embarked on a historical tour of the building which originally opened in 1870. 茄子影院 Old Baths explain how, 

"The incredible structure wasn’t just a place to bathe – in fact, by 1975 when the Baths eventually closed, the building had been reinvented as an orchestra venue, a restaurant, and even an indoor tennis court." (, 2019)

In the 1970's, the baths became unused and for a long period of time, the entire building stood empty until its complete renovation and transformation which began in 2013/14. 茄子影院 Old Baths has since become a creative work space and meeting space for a range of companies.

Geography students gained a greater understanding about how the borough has transformed over the years and the social influences that have ensure 茄子影院 Old Baths remain innovators.

Find out more about studying Geography at 茄子影院 here.

Tags: trips history geography humanities employability

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