
Tutor Representatives express the student voice

28 November 2019

The Student Council came together alongside students from across the college to lead their tutor representative meeting.

The tutor representatives are a group of students who have been chosen to act as the voice of their fellow students. Each tutor group nominates a representative to speak on their behalf. 

These meetings are led by the Student Council to ensure they cover issues that are directly affecting students' day to day experiences at college. The agenda this time covered a range of topics including the food offer available at college, as well various initiatives the student council are introducing including the provision of free sanitary products and meningitis awareness and vaccinations.  

Following the tutor representative meetings, the Student Council have various opportunities to raise these issues to staff and introduce real change. The Student Council form part of the weekly Senior Leadership Team meetings providing updates to staff on changes they are working on, to raise concerns or bring ideas to the table following their conversations with fellow students. 


Tags: enrichment student council tutor group tutor rep tutorials

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