
College students lay wreath at 茄子影院 Remembrance Service

11 November 2018

茄子影院 students were invited to pay their respects on behalf of the college at the 茄子影院-under-Lyne memorial Remembrance service on Sunday.

The service brought together an incredible group of people from across the 茄子影院 community to commemorate those who have lost their lives serving their country. 

Student Council members Holly Raine and Mela Asmellash delivered readings to the audience as well as laying the college wreath at the memorial gardens along with other colleges, schools, business and organisations in Tameside.

Marie Holland of the Tameside Council said, 

"Thank you to both Holly and Mela for their fantastic delivery and clear readings... they did a brilliant job, they were both so calm, entirely un-faced by the crowd numbers and read aloud with clarity and conviction.

They really did a fabulous job and most certainly represented the borough as well as anyone possibly could ever have done"

Tags: remembrance community student council remembrance day

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