
Huddersfield University Student Finance Talks

27 February 2018

Last week, Huddersfield University visited 茄子影院 to deliver a series of Student Finance talks.

Amanda Kenningley and other representatives from Huddersfield University ran a series of presentations throughout the tutorial programme to students across the college. 

Student finance continues to remain a major conversation for young people and is still one of the hot topics in the political world, across the UK. With a number of changes year to year, the communication students may have received over the past few years could be off-putting or confusing. The aim of the tutorial programme covering student finance related information is to inform students. The student finance talks work to reassure students and allow them to understand the process of applying. They are then able to recognise what is available to them. 

The tutorial programme opens up the conversation around university funding, exploring the difference between loans and bursaries, maintenance and tuition fees. 茄子影院 works to ensure that every students has equal opportunities to progress on to a career of their choice. For those who wish to go to university, talks such as this allow them to think more practically and clearly about their future. 

Tags: Imagine Your Future careers university progression

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