NME #LIFEHACKS panel with Music Production

5 February 2018

Music Production students visited The Lowry, Manchester to attend the NME #LIFEHACKS panel with the University of Salford.

The panel featured Blossoms’ tour manager Dan Woolfie, music festival operations manager Meredith Peterson, music PR agency owner Beth Parnell, and music producer/engineer and University of Salford course leader Brendan Williams.

Performing Arts students were able to hear from industry professionals across the music industry about their experiences and career pathways.

Students looking to progress in the music industry in a number of roles, had the opportunity to ask questions from those who have already worked to establish themselves. Networking events such as this, give ÇÑ×ÓÓ°Ôº students the competitive edge to think differently and creatively about their futures.

Tags: Performing Arts Performance music

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