
Remembrance Day 2017

12 November 2017

Each year, the college community is brought together to remember and honour those who have served our country.

On Friday, students and staff gathered together in the courtyard. The service led by Chaplain Jean Hurlston, allowed the college to reflect on the work of the military services. Readings were also given by students from the Public Services department. 

They shall grow not old... as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them... nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them.

Remembrance Sunday is held nationally on the second Sunday of November to remember those who lost their lives in WWI, WWII and in combat since 1945. Annually, people from across the area gather at The Memorial Gardens in 茄子影院-Under-Lyne. Performing Arts students, Eve and Jordan, attended and also read a piece during the service.

Tags: remembrance community remembrance day

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