
Guide Dogs Puppy Room

16 June 2017

The visited 茄子影院 this week at the annual Puppy Room Fundraiser. During the exam season, the puppy room provides a moment of relief in a stress-free environment where college students can enjoy themselves and relax in between revision, deadlines and exams.

Dawn Cobb and her team of volunteers brought along four dogs: Eddie, Bruno, Benny and puppy Chaz. At the Puppy Room fundraiser event, students actively engaged in the work of the Guide Dogs, hearing about the real benefits a Guide Dog can have on a person's quality of life, while meeting the dogs that make the real difference.

By attending the event, students were able to take a calming moment out of their day to have some fun.

Guide Dogs is a registered charity that works to provide mobility for the blind and partially sighted, as well as supporting research, raising awareness and campaigning for the visually impaired. Guide Dogs began their work in 1931 and since then has,

"helped over 29,000 people to achieve life-changing independence" (, June 2017).

David Southworth spoke openly about his visual impairment and how his Guide Dog, Bruno, helps him to live an independent life, still able to go out his local area to his favourites spots and travel the world on cruises alongside his working Guide Dog.

Amongst the team of volunteers and fundraisers, ex-student Lucy Buckley returned to the college who has since gone on to study Animal Behaviour and Welfare at the University of Chester.

The college is extremely honoured to welcome back the Guide Dogs to raise awareness and help students enjoy their studies.



Thank you to:

Guide Dogs
Dawn Cobb, Fundraiser, with Eddie
Lucy Buckley, Volunteer
David Gaskell, Volunteer
David Southworth with Bruno
Shirley Gorman, Puppy Walker, with Chaz
David Gorman, Puppy Walker, with Benny

Tags: fundraising exams guide dogs il community

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