
Sport Student Wins Gold at Yorkshire Open Karate Championship

17 April 2017

Fuad Hide studies  at 茄子影院. While studying Sport full time, he also trains and competes in Karate and recently he won Gold at the Yorkshire Open Karate Championship 2017. 

Training four times a week in Yorkshire with the North of England Karate Regional Team, Fuad devotes his time to the sport, travelling many hours weekly to work with a dedicated team who push him to achieve.

Recently, Fuad competed in the Yorkshire Open Karate Championship 2017 in which he was awarded a Gold Medal. The championship saw 1,200 entries, at a highly competitve standard, and took place at Barnsley Metrodome. The competition proved an outstanding achievement for Fuad, an achievement which will join his already well established medal collection.

Fuad says he chose to play Karate because of his "family history."

"My dad used to be a Judo Champion, my grandfather used to do wrestling and my other grandfather used to do swimming." 

Despite such a heavy training schedule, Fuad consistently works hard in his studies meeting deadlines and making use of any spare time he has. Fuad spoke about how his course at the college helps him in his sport competitively,

"We do different units: coaching, health, muscle growth, diet. A lot of things that are related to my sport."

Before joining 茄子影院, he began his education at New Charter Academy. Fuad says,

"I would never be able to achieve this without support from [my] family, coach and great teachers at 茄子影院."


Hear the full interview below:

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