
The HE team held a successful conference on Saturday 23rd April.

21 April 2016

The event was titled "I'm a Child, Get Me Out of Here: A Tameside Colloquium on Outdoor Learning and Forest School"

120 participants gathered including our own education degree students and trainee teachers as well as colleagues from schools and nurseries locally and forest school practitioners.

Participants heard key note talks from Jan Kare-Fjeld, a Norwegian teacher from a primary school in Fredrikstad, Norway who had flown in especially to participate in this event and from Jo Liversidge of Nature's Footprints, a Yorkshire based organisation working with vulnerable children and families in a forest school context.  Participants were then able to choose from a range of workshops to suit their own interests which included practical and academic themes such as nurture groups, what to do with sticks, maths skills, entering teacher training, Norwegian forest school practice, emotional intelligence, phonics, English as a second language - the choice was excellent and all sessions were well received.

Comments about the event included:

"Felt inspired by Nature's Footprints, Jo is very passionate about her field"

"Really enjoyed, fantastic"

"Would like more workshops like these"

"A lovely experience, I enjoyed listening to others experiences and processes"

"Really informative and extremely enjoyed Jo's workshop"

"A great day, thank you"

"Absolutely fab event, learnt lots"

"Interesting and inspiring conference"

"Fabulous professional development event"

"You affirmed my belief in forest school, inspiring, motivating me to take my own forest school to greater things"

"Fantastic conference, very inspiring"

"I enjoyed learning lots and being creative"

"Really enjoyed today, very knowledgeable, experienced and inspiring speakers"

"Jan was inspiring, I want to do what he does"

"A really fun morning, thank you"


"I would have liked more time"

"The photos were fantastic, seeing the children in all weathers"

"It was good to see what a school day is like in Norway and about their education"

"It was great to talk to and hear from other forest school practitioners and compare experiences"

The success of this event follows hot on the heels of OFTED saying in their recent inspection report that "adult learners make good progress. The proportion of adults who are successful ... is well above the rate for similar providers".  It also follows a student survey in which HE and Adult students at the college reported 96% overall high levels of satisfaction with their programmes of study.

To find out more about degree courses at the college click here for forest school training click here or call 0161 6668215 or email lgr@asfc.ac.uk

Tags: news HE

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